
Golden Age Project R 1 MKII

840 BYN предложить свою цену
Код товара: 42573
Гарантия: 12 месяцев
Passive ribbon microphone

The R 1 MKII is a high quality vintage style ribbon microphone. It offers the unique and natural sound that has been available in classical microphones like the RCA 44 and 77 that are still used to make high quality recordings today, after almost 70 years.

The R1 Mk2 is very well suited for the recording of most sound sources like vocals, acoustic instruments, strings, horns, orchestras and choral groups and many live sound applications

The Figure-8 pattern of the R1 MKII gives you the ability to separate sound sources by placing the unwanted ones in the side zero pick-up directions. Placing the unwanted ones towards the sides of the R1 MKII will remove most of the direct sound from the sound source. The R1 MKII will still pick up that source from the reverberant field in the recording room though.

Due to the small width of the ribbon, the horizontal pick-up pattern is very wide. It is much wider compared to a large capsule condenser microphone.

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