
Soundelux USA U195

$ 1 440 предложить свою цену
Код товара: 42640
Гарантия: 12 месяцев

The U195 is a cardioid patterned, phantom powered, large diaphram FET microphone. In designing the U195, Soundelux set out to create a microphone able to satisfy a wide range of demands in critical music recording, broadcasting, and post applications. For budget-conscious studios facing a wide range of demands, a U195 serves as the “do-it-all” premium condenser microphone. It delivers superb results on lead vocal tracks as well as in VO/ADR use, providing remarkable fullness and presence with exceptionally low background noise.

Unique to the U195 is the “Fat/Norm” switch. The “Norm” position provides an extended flat response with slightly elevated high end typical of FET condensers, while “Fat” creates a low end boost between 10Hz and 400Hz for the distinctive sound of older tube classic cardioid condensers. The U195 also provides a pad (-10dB) and rumble filter (-10dB at 20 Hz). The combinations of tone switches allows for unmatched versatility in a professional studio mic. The U195’s unique amplifier circuitry produces superior response to dynamic signals without the typical transistor low-level high¬order harmonics (a painfully obvious artifact) commonly found in other fet mics. The U195 also contains a unique to the industry output transformer– where other mfg’s have wondered how small they can make theirs, we asked, “can we make it bigger” and designed a transformer that takes up half the room in the mic body! We did this not just to prove that bigger is better, but to increase the low frequency headroom beyond that of other transformer coupled mics.

The U195 accepts a broad spectrum of acoustic input levels, from soft vocals to heavy drums, yet also offers extended bandwidth response along with facilities for tailoring tonal characteristics for optimum results on any voice or instrument. The versatility afforded by the lowcut, pad and Fat/Norm switches make the U195 an ideal choice for recording drums (tom-toms, in particular), other percussion instruments, and acoustic guitar. High SPL tolerance allows use of the U195 in front of electrical guitar amplifiers, where the FAT Mode resl’°nse adds extra oomph to the guitar tracks. Many engineers will find uses for the U195 limited only by their imaginations and ever¬changing session demands.

Особенности устройства с сайта производителя
Patterns: Cardioid only
Frequency range: 20Hz-16kHz, +/-2dB
Sensitivity: 8mV/Pa (-42dB=94dB SPL)
Equivalent Noise: 13dB (“A” weighted)
22dB (unweighted)
Distortion vs. SPL @ 1kHz: 126dB = 0.5% THD
127dB = 1% THD
129dB = 2% THD
(increasing distortion is exponential, complex 3rd harmonic)
Impedance: 200 Ohms true
transformer balanced
Recommended load: 1.2k Ohms
Dynamic range: 111dB
S/N (94dB-noise): 81dbB “A”, 72dB unweighted
Capsule size: 1″ diameter, dual symmetrical backplate k67 type
Amplifier type: Minimalist Class A fet / transformer, no switching supplies or oscilators
Amplifier controls: “fat/norm” bass contour switch, “locut” rumble filter switch, “pad” -10dB sensitivity switch
Dimensions: 2.04″ dia x 7.7 ” oal (51x195mm)
Weight: 1lb 9.6oz (1.6lbs) = 725g
Shipping weight: 6lbs
Power supply: P48 phantom powered, user provided; minimum 45v for proper operation
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