
Doepfer A-198 Trautonium Module + Manual

$ 275 предложить свою цену
Код товара: 40814
Гарантия: 12 месяцев

Module A-198 is a Trautonium Manual resp. Ribbon Controller. The controlling element of the A-198 is a linear position sensor (length about 50 cm) that has available a pressure sensor too.

Особенности устройства с сайта производителя

Module A-198 is a Trautonium Manual resp. Ribbon Controller. The controlling element of the A-198 is a linear position sensor (length about 50 cm) that has available a pressure sensor too.

Touching the sensor with a finger generates a control voltage CV1 that is proportional to the position of the finger. The scale (i.e. the relation between position difference and voltage difference) is adjustable with a potentiometer at the front panel. A hold switch is used to determine if the CV voltage is held after removing the finger (hold = on) or if the CV voltage jumps to 0V (hold = off). In the last case (hold = off) a gate signal is derived from the CV voltage whenever a finger touches the sensor (e.g. for triggering an envelope generator).

A sensitive pressure sensor located below the position sensor generates a second control voltage CV2 that increases with higher pressure of the finger. Even for CV2 the scale is adjustable. A second gate signal is triggered as soon as the pressure exceeds a certain value. The gate threshold is adjustable at the front panel.

The sensors are located in a separate metal frame (length about 600 mm, width about 30 mm, height about 18 mm, weight: about 900 g, color: silver-grey). The connection between the module and the sensor frame is made by a 4 pin cable (same as used for USB connections).

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